Learning together
Join fellow parents, teachers or professionals and learn about a child development topic of choice, understand how to connect better with your children or deal with a variety of challenges your little ones are presenting you with.
Parenting Webinars
Parenting Webinars
Parenting during COVID
Why children don't listen and how to fix it
Other Webinars
Handling emotions
Learn to recognize and respond to your child's emotional needs: Parents and caregivers will learn how to tune and identify their children’s emotional needs when these are expressed verbally or behaviorally. The workshop will focus on the importance of understanding and responding in a helpful way to children’s emotional signals. In addition, we will identify the ways that parents can tune in to their children’s emotional signals and cues. The emphasis of this webinar is on the importance of good communication skills in developing a close, positive relationship with your child. We will explore ways of listening and responding that may improve communication.
Baby development: 1-6 months
New and expectant parents will learn all about your child's development during the first six months of their life. We will cover motor, cognitive, social and language development and the ways in which you can support your child's growth.
Establishing routines
Learn how to get a head start on a path to a smoother parenting: participants will learn to identify routines for infants and toddlers and will understand their importance. Discussion will focus on effective ways to establish routines while providing parents and caregivers with tools to enhance adherence to established routines.
Sleep challenges: The beginning
Learn how to best support your baby's sleep schedule: Learn about best techniques for soothing babies and supporting their transition to a predictable sleeping schedule without tears.
Fostering speech development
Learn about how infants and toddlers communicate, using gestures, sounds, and words. This information will help to build an understanding of the importance of appropriate responding to and encouragement of children communicative skills. Participants will identify effective ways they can support children’s speech development and receive resources to support them in this process.
Promoting literacy
Learn how to foster your child's developing reading and writing skills: Learn about the importance of encouraging reading and writing in their children and recognize your role in promoting literacy in your children. Next, you will acquire new skills to help support and promote the development of reading skills starting in infancy.
Handling stress and frustration
Learn to identify children’s own coping strategies while enhancing the understanding of the importance of young children coping effectively. We will identify the causes of stress in children’s daily lives and will focus on development of skills that help children cope effectively with stress. You will learn not only to identify certain behaviors as stress responses but also to provide effective support for a positive stress management.
Brain Development and Learning Styles
Learn how to help your child succeed in school: You will be acquainted with the most updated knowledge regarding brain growth and development. We will identify and explore learning styles, and discover how they can create stimulating learning experiences for young children. With this knowledge in mind, the workshop will focus on identifying positive ways parents can become more involved in their child’s school experience. We will analyze the children’s present use of non-school time and explore ways to link their home and school experiences. In addition, we will emphasize the importance of good communication between home and school and identify and discuss effective steps that parents can take to develop relationships with the teacher and child to ensure academic success. The focus of this workshop is on reinforcement of the importance of listening and responding in an informative and sensitive manner and explores different learning styles.
Kids and Media: Finding the right recipe
Learn how to handle your children's media usage to enhance development: We will discuss how the recent research informs guidelines regarding children's media use and will review the best strategies for limiting media use to enhance rather than hinder development.
Becoming the parent you want to be
It is never too late to learn how to improve your parenting skills: We will explore the expectations parents of young children have for themselves and will focus on areas in which you feel confident about yourself as a parent and the areas in which you struggle. Participants then will learn how to enhance and improve their parenting skills, based on the most current research findings.
Baby development: 6-12 months
Parents of young babies will learn all about your child's development during the second half of your baby's first year. We will cover motor, cognitive, social and language development and the ways in which you can support your child's growth.
Life with your Toddler: 12-36 months
Learn all about your child's development during those challenging "terrible twos". We will cover motor, cognitive, social and language development and the ways in which you can support your child's growth.
Going with the flow: Toilet training
Learn how to support your child through the challenging transition from diapers to toilet independence.
Structure and Setting Limits
Positive Discipline, Preventing and Managing Problem Behavior: Start with examining the things that motivate children’s behaviors, both negative and positive. Next, we will identify strategies for encouraging healthy, appropriate behaviors in children, as well as those that encourage children to develop self-discipline. Then we will describe the importance and advantages of setting limits for young children and identify appropriate ways to set these limits and manage behavior. Finally, you will receive strategies that minimize problem behavior and techniques for teaching responsible behavior.
Shyness and self-esteem
Explore the role of shyness and social anxiety in children’s social and emotional development. We will turn our focus to enhancing parent-child interactions to promote independence and alleviate social anxiety. In addition, you will learn to recognize the roots of child’s self-esteem development, starting early in infancy. We will understand the importance of self-esteem in healthy development and identify the ways that parents can promote positive self-esteem in their children.
Dealing with sibling rivalry
Learn about effective ways of handling sibling rivalry: We will examine the most common causes of sibling rivalry and examine ways for parents and caregivers to help children resolve conflicts. We will also focus on identifying some of the positive rewards of being a sibling.
Choosing the right toys & activities
Learn which toys will support your child's development best: Discover which toys are best at each age to support your children’s development. We will focus on the importance of play and its role in learning social skills and forming relationships. Finally, we will identify various play activities appropriate for young children.
Small group woorkshop
Dr. Sirotkin joins your group to discuss your topic of choice, give parenting advice and answer your questions. Perfect for mommie groups, homeschooling parents, friend get-togethers.